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Structural Massage

7 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Manual Shipped; Videos and Test Online

Contents: Manual shipped to you. Videos and multiple-choice test online.


DVDs and Manual Shipped; Test Online

Contents: 2 DVDs and manual shipped to you. online multiple-choice test.


DVDs, Manual and Test Shipped to You

Contents: 2 DVDs, manual and workbook with multiple-choice test shipped to you.


Fully Online Materials and Test

Contents: Video, manual and multiple-choice test all online.


No DVDs ( I Already Own Them), Manual and Test Shipped to You

Contents: Manual and workbook with multiple-choice test shipped to you.


No DVDs ( I Already Own Them), Manual Shipped; Test Online

Contents: Manual and workbook with multiple-choice test shipped to you.



Massage therapists don't often conduct a full-body, range of motion assessment because there are so many types of tests that it becomes daunting! Sean Riehl breaks it down into an easy assessment that you can do with every client. Your clients will love this work because they can see where they are stuck and when you retest at the end of the session they can see how much your work has helped.

The demonstrations in this course begin with a range of motion, full-body assessment, testing each joint’s motion in each direction. Once a restriction is discovered you’ll learn four techniques for increasing range and decreasing pain.

What will be covered in the course:

  • Range of motion evaluation for the wrist and how to release muscles that limit extension, flexion, supination, and pronation.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the elbow and how to release muscles that limit flexion and extension.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the shoulder and how to release muscles that limit external and internal rotation.
  • Testing for shoulder abduction and address any dysfunction of the affected muscles.
  • Evaluate and observe options for correcting a forward shoulder- both high and low.
  • Strength testing for shoulder abduction and rotation.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the neck and techniques to increase neck range of motion.
  • Techniques to increase lateral flexion in the upper and lower neck.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the thoracic spine and how to eliminate rotation dysfunction.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the back and pelvis, and options for found dysfunctions.
  • Evaluate for limited internal and external rotation, and options for found dysfunctions.
  • Discover techniques to release the back erector muscles using gliding strokes and active motion, release the quadratus lumborum in the side bending or sitting position, and release the psoas and iliacus muscles for limitations in the hip flexors.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the knee and how to release muscles that limit extension and flexion.
  • Range of motion evaluation for the ankle and how to release muscles that limit plantar and dorsi flexion, supination, and pronation.
  • Addressing limitations of the ankle through cross fiber friction of the calcaneo-fibular and talofibular ligaments as well as the Achilles tendon.
    • The course allows you to master body evaluation and experience a high degree of clinical mastery with incredible outcomes.

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Challenging enough to be engaging, yet simple and enjoyable as well. Overall, I truly enjoyed the video. The training video and text are very thorough and useful. Very well presented!

Brooke Fiske, RMT

Great course! I will definitely utilize these testing and assessment tools more often. I had forgotten many of these that we learned in school, and learned a few that I didn't learn.

Jennifer Grant, ABMP

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and plan to implement ROM evaluation and concepts/techniques presented in this course. The course gave me more confidence in my abilities as a therapist and I plan to take more courses presented by Sean Riehl. His presentation was clear, concise, easy to follow and comprehend.

Evalani Manzon, LMT

Love having a video along w/ the written manual for the course.

Dianne Jezak, LMT

This was the worst class I've taken from here. The info was confusing and the test answers were wishy washy. Very difficult to go back and find answers or understand information. Great subject but the way it was presented was confusing. I've never had this difficulty before.

Jennie Finnigan, LMT

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify the background to assessment techniques and recall the three ideas that structural massage is based on - ROM evaluation, specific techniques, and working in a vertical position.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the wrist and assess how to release muscles that limit extension, flexion, supination, and pronation.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the elbow and assess how to release muscles that limit flexion and extension.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the shoulder and assess how to release muscles that limit external and internal rotation.
  • Demonstrate how to test for shoulder abduction and observe how to treat any dysfunction of the affected muscles.
  • Evaluate and observe options for correcting a forward shoulder, both high and low.
  • Integrate strength testing for shoulder abduction and rotation.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the thoracic spine and demonstrate how to eliminate rotation dysfunction.
  • Review ROM evaluation for the back and pelvis. Test for vertebral mobility using the squish test, straight leg raise, seated side bend, ilium upslip or downslip, and spring test.
  • Evaluate for limited internal and external rotation and review treatment options for found dysfunctions.
  • Discover techniques to release the back erector muscles using gliding strokes and active motion, release the quadratus lumborum in the side bending or sitting position, and release the psoas and iliacus muscles for limitations in the hip flexors.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the knee and demonstrate how to release muscles that limit extension and flexion.
  • Describe ROM evaluation for the ankle and demonstrate how to release muscles that limit plantar and dorsi flexion, supination, and pronation.
  • Address limitations of the ankle through cross fiber friction of the calcaneo-fibular and talofibular ligaments as well as the Achilles tendon.
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