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Pulse Wave Massage

5 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Fully Online Materials and Test

Contents: Video, Manual and multiple-choice test all online.


Manual and Test Shipped, Video Online

Contents: Manual and multiple-choice test shipped, Video online.


Manual Shipped, Video and Test Online

Contents: Manual shipped, Video and multiple-choice test online.



Are you causing client's pain in an effort to relieve their soreness? Clients can feel discomfort not only during deep tissue massage, but also soreness afterward - and it isn't always a "good pain.".

Brad Drummer's Pulse Wave Massage, is a profoundly deep massage that does not cause pain or bruising. This technique is based upon his theories on Delta Wave relaxation, which is the state in which nearly all physical, emotional, and nervous system healing takes place. Pulse Wave Massage allows for deep work that actually penetrates deeper than traditional techniques without causing pain and triggering the client's defensive reflex.

Pulse Wave massage uses pulsating pressure in place of held pressure or deep fiber friction, with the intent of bringing pleasure to the tissue. In creating this new approach to deep tissue massage, you can achieve profound depths without pain/contraindications/damage to either yourself or your client.

Reach greater depths - A pulse wave penetrates deeper than held pressure as it continues into the tissue far beyond the last point of therapist contact – often throughout the entire body.

Reduce stress levels and enhance pain management - The Pulse Wave doesn't create a pattern of fear triggering the body's defensive response . The trust inducing pulse reduces stress and allows for the possibility of achieving the Delta Wave threshold and all the healing benefits associated with this state of relaxation.

Collateral tissue relaxation - Even deep techniques that cause low to moderate pain create tension that accumulates in the surrounding tissue, building with each occurrence of pain. With Pulse Wave technique, not only is the collateral tension eliminated, but there is also a beneficial collateral massaging effect to the surrounding tissue as the waves of force travel far beyond the pulsating point of pressure.

Through this video and text-based course, we will:

  • Explain the history behind the Pulse Wave Massage and why this methodology is important
  • Be introduced to the Delta Wave philosophy to understand the healing aspects it provides
  • Define specific terms and concepts important to Pulse Wave success 
  • Approach and interact with clients through massage via universal physical components
  • Compare pain/fear vs. pleasure/trust approaches, understanding how each impacts the client
  • Observe and perform Pulse Wave Massage strokes using proper body mechanics and structure your own Pulse Wave Massage therapy session
  • Explore how one might incorporate the Pulse Wave approach into existing techniques to make them safer and more effective

If you could create a massage that doesn't cause pain, but instead relieves the pain your client is experiencing and providing relaxation while achieving greater depths than traditional deep techniques, wouldn't you want to use it?

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Learning Objectives

  • Explain the history behind the Pulse Wave Massage and its inclusion of the Delta Wave philosophy of massage
  • Define subconscious costumes - understanding the subconscious tension that is layered into our muscles
  • Explore the universal physical components that will allow you to interpret how to approach and interact with clients through massage
  • Develop the importance of listening, and how massage/touch can be the most powerful and precise form of communicating with a person
  • Examine the interconnection of the emotional, physical, and mental states of being
  • Define defensive reflex - how and why this primal reaction is a key aspect of unconscious muscle firing
  • Compare the approach that pain and fear vs. pleasure and have on a client's experience and overall therapeutic benefits received from the massage
  • Learn about the Delta Wave state, its healing aspects and various methods used to achieve Delta Wave activity
  • Observe and perform strokes utilizing the interconnection of fascia, the importance of connecting strokes and the role of intention in the massage outcome utilizing the Pulse Wave massage strokes using proper body mechanics to create a foundation in building your own Pulse Wave massage.
  • Explore how one might incorporate the Pulse Wave approach into existing techniques to make them safer and more effective
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