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Maryland Mandatory Programs Set (#3)

7 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Fully Online Materials and Test

Contents: online manuals; plus online multiple-choice tests

$97.00 SALE! $83.00

Materials and Test Shipped to You

Contents: Manuals and workbooks with multiple-choice tests shipped to you.

$97.00 SALE! $83.00


Save $15 when you order all of the Maryland Board of Massage mandatory courses as a set!

Diversity: Cultural Competence

Massage therapists are increasingly working in various medical settings - physician's offices, long term care facilities, hospitals - and the population of the United States continues to become more ethnically diverse. As a result, it is important that as health care providers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team we become more familiar with the cultural differences of our clients to become more sensitive to their perspective so that we may provide the best care. Additionally, it is important that we impart sensitivity to other cultures, and to our support staff, so that each person we are in contact with is treated with consideration.

Through this course you will:

  • define important concepts including race, ethnicity, culture, health literacy and health disparities.
  • review the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care.
  • determine what cultural competence means, how one becomes culturally competent, and distinguish between cultural sensitivity and cultural competence.
  • differentiate between stereotypes and generalizations.
  • review how culture and socioeconomic status affect quality of health care.
  • discover strategies for establishing a more culturally sensitive environment.
  • learn differences in cultural behavior.
  • examine ways to avoid pitfalls when working with various clients from diverse cultures.

CE Credits: 1

Ethics: Therapeutic Environment

Expand your understanding of ethics. Learn how to build a safer therapeutic environment for yourself and your client.

This course reviews:

  • essential roles, rights and responsibilities that are accepted in order to be recognized as a professional
  • the concepts transference and countertransference and how they apply to your practice
  • the terms ethics, ethical dilemma, ethical dissonance, confidentiality and boundaries and their application in important practice considerations

CE Credits: 3

Infectious Disease: HIV/AIDS

Learn about modes of transmission, infection control procedures, clinical management, and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome as well as its impact on testing, confidentiality of test results and treatment. This continuing education course also covers information with regard to universal precautions for healthcare workers and implications for the massage therapist.

CE Credits: 1

Infectious Disease: Hepatitis

With over 6 million Americans infected with one or more forms of viral hepatitis, practitioners must understand the impact this growing problem has on both their clients and their practice.

Learn about the history, etiology and pathophysiology of hepatitis, as well as how to differentiate between several viral hepatitis types, their associated symptoms, modes of transmission, preventive measures, treatments and risks. Of particular value to massage therapists are the guidelines pertaining to Universal Precautions; including hand washing, laundering and equipment sanitization. Also covered are common misconceptions, conventional therapeutic options and alternative treatments for viral hepatitis.

By learning about viral hepatitis, this two credit course meets the increased demand for knowledgeable practitioners administering safe and cognizant bodywork on all clients.

CE Credits: 2

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