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Advanced Anatomy for Professionals

18 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Text Materials Shipped and Test Online

Contents: 2 texts shipped to you. online multiple-choice test.


Materials and Test Shipped to You

Contents: 2 texts and workbook with multiple-choice test shipped to you.


Already own either the Rapid Review or Trail Guide to the Body texts? Call us at 1-800-364-5722, 9am to 5pm, to discuss your enrollment options.


Advanced Anatomy for Professionals provides a learning tools to use in evaluating your current knowledge of anatomy or for upgrading what you learned in massage school. The primary course text delves into an exploration of the skin and fascia, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, arteries and lymph nodes, and you'll practice valuable hands-on exercises for palpating the muscles and bony structures of the human body.

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Thank you for this course, it was right to the point and you weren't trying to trick me with the questions. It was very easy to understand and the book materials are better than any other anatomy books I have. So much of the information in the books was explained so much better than by my school teachers, and it didn't have all the added expectations. I will continue to use your courses.

A. Robertson, LMP, NCTMB

I was impressed with the content and organization of this CEU course were exceptional.

Amber Keithley, LMBT

Very thorough information. Lots of good pictures helped make information (especially about origins and insertions of muscles) understandable.

Andrea Vella, CMT, NCTMB

I love the books that were sent to me.

Angela Addison, LMT, NCTMB

Thank you! I am really going to enjoy the materials I received from this study for years to come.

Ashley Collings, CMT

This anatomy material was superior to the material we were taught in school. I can't wait to read it again!

C. Grosz, CMT, AMTA

This is a fantastic book. Materials can be used as permanent reference materials. Thank you.

C. Matter, LMP, AMTA

Very comprehensive course. I wish we would have had this material in school. Thank you for putting together such pertinent information in a format that I can understand and retain.

Catherine Clabby, CMT

Very good content and materials. I would recommend your site for quality CEU's. Thank you.

Christina Mizell, LMT

This material was excellent and very detailed. One of the most enjoyable I have ever taken. This is my favorite subject and it was right on!

Danny L. Martin, LMT

The materials that were sent were excellent and very well done. I will be ordering again. Thank you!

Deborah Barnes, CMT, NCTMB

It's a great place to deal with. I loved the class. It was VERY in-depth, so much so that I was shocked. This isn't a schlock course. It took me hours to complete it, which was actually a great thing bc it was a THOROUGH review. I have taken other classes from them and will continue to. Great courses. Fab customer care as well.

Dulcie Marshall, LMT, NCTMB

The test was more detailed and challenging than I anticipated, but I learned a lot.

Elaine Kohler, LMT

I found the Trail Guide to the body book easy to read, informative, and had excellent graphics. The review book, also sent to me, was an excellent resource that I plan on using to help my clients understand more about the human body because the graphics are clear and the information in brief but effective.

Emily Meder, LMT

Materials were of the highest quality. The doctors with whom I contract were impressed

J. Rhoades, LMT, NCTMB

LOVE the text books, they are beautifully illustrated and perfect for all massage therapist...every body worker should own Trail Guide to the Body

Jennifer Carey

Excellent refresher course. I highly recommend this course to any therapist.

Jennifer Ripper, LMT

Love the text and content covered is valuable to me

Jessica Lorey, LMT

Thank you for an informative and refreshing course and the new Trail Guide to the Body!

Jessica Schlachter, LMT

I was impressed with the clarity of the diagrams. The different views helped to drive home the proper muscle attachments. Being a visual learner this was a great asset. I have not done an anatomy review as through as this in many years so it definitely was a good refresher.

Judith Rivet, RMT

Great. So much to know and the books were wonderful, I learned alot. The test was harder than I thought it would be but I would recommend this course to anyone, not just massage therapisst but others in the medical field as well. This would be really good to have had when I went to school for nursing and massage therapy.

Judy Pope, LMT

Loved It! Exceeded my expectations by being interesting and very easy to comprehend!

Julie Spalding, LMT, NCTMB

Books required for this course were excellent - it added great tidbits of information to my practice

K. Hofbauer, LMT

I really liked how this course included lots of "trivia"! That to me made it very interesting. This course covered a lot of material however, it was very organized. You guys are great! This course will be a great reference guide!

K. Ralph, LMT

The Trail Guide is of course, excellent. I like taking the test on-line.

Karen Maiorano, LMT, NCTMB

Great material, really easy to find and reference information, overall very happy with the course!

Katherine PIllsbury, LMT, NCTMB

Very informative

Kathleen Johnson, LMT, NCTMB

I loved the clear overlays in the book and detailed pictures in the Trail Guide.

L. Licausi, LMT

Great Materials. Loved having the freedom to take things at my own pace!

Linda Moss, LMT

Trail Guide to the Body is one of my favorite books and I am excited to have this updated edition. Rapid Review looks to be an excellent reference book also. Thanks for such quality texts.

LInda Summer, LMT

Great - love your course

Lori Robertson, LMT, CMT, NCTMB

...far exceeded my initial training in anatomy so many years ago. Materials are presented in a way that engages the practitioner on many levels, which enhances learning.

M. Knapke, LMT, ABMP

The material is beautifully presented, well organized, and exceeded my expectations! I ordered the workbook separately, and find it to be an invaluable addition to getting the most from "Trail Guide to the Body."Money and time well spent!

Natalie Gautereaux, LMT

I love the materials that were included. Trail Guide to the Body and Rapid Review are wonderful books. Great update to my library. Step-by-step course instructions gave me the insight that the Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies are true professionals. Thank you!

R. Shannon, LMT

Very well done.

Robert Hoffman, LMBT, NCTMB

This is the best anatomy review and self teaching book I have seen. Not in the scope of the book but a side of kinesiolgy reference and testing would be great too. First rate!


This was mind blowing to me to realize just how much I did not remember of my anatomy. It definitely was a great challenge and encouragement for me to continue learning and sometimes "relearning" to be a more effective massage therapist. Also by taking this course, I realized some very helpful tips on better assessing my clients needs!

Susan P. Jeske

This is the best anatomy book I have ever studied. Learned more in the hours spent reading this book, than all of massage school. Love the way the information is presented. Breaking things down by body sections made it all more tied together, rather than learning all bones...all muscles....all nerves...etc. Loved, loved, loved this book. Presentation brought it all together for me. Had quite a few moments of "Oh. I get that now!" Palpating each muscle, tendon and artery really brought it all home. Much easier to understand and remember, than only reading and memorizing from diagrams. Thank you!

Susan Parks, LMT, NCTMB

Loved the books and info! Great course! Loved the details in the Anatomy Reference Guide!


I have been out of school for sometime. This course was easy to follow and understand. It made it seem like I had just graduated! I really enjoyed this course. Thank You!

Tami Nichols, LMT, NCTMB

The text books included are the best I've seen. Much better than my initial anatomy course during massage school. Very thorough!!

Tracy Cotten, LMT

Material was very interesting. Great review of anatomy!

Wendy Vetter, LMT, NCTMB

This is by far the best anatomy book ever!!

Patricia Rooney

I love the course materials. I will be able to continue to use them to gain more knowledge of the body and become a better therapist.

Kelsey Rubio, LMT

Thank you for good quality courses that help keep my massage therapist skills relevant to the profession and practice. The course was very thorough. I will use it as a reference.

Ann Kyle, LMT

It gave me a wider view on some of the things I would bypass or overlook. The detail in Rapid Review is amazing and will definitely put it to use. Thanks!

Brent A. Martin, LMT

Advanced Anatomy for Professionals was a great refresher course with clearly presented in-depth details of human anatomy. I would recommend this course to others looking for a great and simple way to review and develop an advance understanding of the body.

McKenzie Morris, LMT

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify palpation techniques for bones and muscles; Identify physical characteristics of structures and tissues in the body.
  • Identify anatomical planes of movement. Distinguish between terms of position and direction.. Explain the terms of movements of the body. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeleton. Classify the different joints in the body. Distinguish between the origin and insertion points for muscles onto bones. Differentiate lymphatic system structures from cardiovascular and nervous system structures.
  • Name the bony landmarks of the scapula, humerus, and clavicle. Differentiate between the acromioclavicular and the sternoclavcular joints. Identify fibers and movements of the deltoid. Locate the origin of the trapezius muscle.
  • Differentiate between the action of teres major and teres minor. Identify actions of the levator scapula. Name and give the function of the rotator cuff muscles. Explain origin of neurovascular compression
  • Classify the joints in the hand and the elbow. Distinguish carpel tubercles that are attachment sites for flexor retinaculum. Determine action of muscles for palpation in the hand. Distinguish between flexors and extensors of the forearm. Identify ligaments connecting to the humerus.
  • Differentiate types of vertebrae of the vertebral column and their structure. Identify abnormal curvatures of the spine. Describe the ribs and costal cartilage. Identify muscles of the upper head and neck and their respective actions. Identify muscles of the lower spine and their actions. Identify muscles of the abdomen and their actions. List procedure for palpating the abdominal aorta.
  • Name and locate the cranial bones and muscles. Describe the joint structure of the cranial bones. Locate the carotid artery. Assess the Scalenes through palpation. Specify the location of the suprahyoids.
  • Identify the joint structure of the hip. Name and locate the bony structures of the pelvis and femur. Name and locate the muscles of the pelvis. Identify actions of the quadriceps femoris muscle group. Identify actions of the gluteals. Locate the adductor muscles. Name the longest muscle in the body. Locate the piriformis. Determine the action of the psoas. Locate the femoral triangle and sacrotuberous ligament.
  • Name muscle attachments on the patella. Locate the site of the pes anserinus tendon. Name the ankle joint. Identify bones in the leg, foot and ankle. Determine names and actions of muscles in the leg and foot. Delineate palpation technique for the extensors of the foot. Explain the function of the flexor retinaculum. Locate the posterior tibial artery and palpate.
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