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Ayurvedic Massage Fundamentals

6 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Text Materials Shipped and Test Online

Contents: Text shipped to you. online multiple-choice test.


Materials and Test Shipped to You

Contents: Text and multiple-choice test shipped to you.


No Text (I Already Own Text) and Test Online

Contents: online multiple-choice test only.
(I already own "Ayurvedic Massage" text.)


No Text (I Already Own Text) and Test Shipped

Contents: Multiple-choice test shipped only.
(I already own "Ayurvedic Massage" text.)


Do you have the Ayurvedic Massage textbook? See your enrollment options above for "I already own the text".


Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of health and healing in the world. Learn how Ayurvedic massage helps balance the body and mind. Through clear language and beautiful illustrations, this home study CE course describes how an expert practitioner performs Ayurvedic assessment and massage for a variety of clients including those who are pregnant, in labor, in postpartum and providing infant care. This course includes the benefits, key terms, indications and contraindications for Ayurvedic massage and recipes for creating your own Ayurvedic fragrant oils, nourishing facial creams, masks and clay baths. Applicable to all types of practice and especially valuable for MTs who provide spa services and a valuable reference guide for future use.

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Content Outline

Ayurvedic Massage Key Terms and Concepts

0.5 hour

Ayurvedic Principles of Massage; Marmas and Their Positions 1 hour
Indications and Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage 0.5 hour
Factors that Affect Common Imbalances 1 hour
Pulse 0.5 hour
Preparation 0.5 hour
Massage 0.5 hour
Beauty 1 hour
Glossary, Resources and Supply Sources
Open-book Test and Course Evaluation 0.5 hour
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I enjoyed the detail and interesting facts.

Barbara, San Francisco

This was a very informative book that inspired me and added to my knowledge of Ayurveda.

Jennifer Peterson, HHP, San Diego, CA

Fabulous course. Ayurvedic information I had not come across before. Author's in depth knowledge and intimacy with these teachings was evident and appreciated.

B. Budesheim, LMT, NCTMB

It was a wonderful course and it taught me a great deal about essential oils and to realize how many different interesting fields are out there for massage!

C. Jordan, LMT, NCTMB

This is a very informative and convenient home course that I plan to incorporate in my future massages. The ayurvedic recipes are helpful. The course book is easy to follow and has a good flow. I was able to preprint the test to study by before taking the final online test. I will use this service again.

L. Whaley, LMT

Great content to introduce someone to Ayurvedic Massage. Learned enough to put into practice quickly!


I really enjoyed this course as I have a great interest in learning as much as I can to help my clients and to be able to give them the type of care that I believe they need.

C. Stock, NCTMB

I found this course extremely educational and enjoyable. I would encourage others to take this course and feel confident in the quality of all the courses offered.

J. Diaz, LMT

This course was so powerful to me I might just change my college major! This is an insanely useful approach to natural healing and massage.

J. Iverson

There was a lot of useful information for a massage therapist.

Lisa Madsen, LMT, NCTMB

Sparked my interest to learn more about this.

Helen Willis-Waltrup, LMT

I have already begun to put techniques of Ayurvedic Massage into practice. It has made an excellent change, after 11 years of practice!

Melinda Curgan, LMT

It was a perfect class for a new mom. Mahalo!

Deja Parrent, LMT

Material arrived quickly and was much better than I anticipated. Very interesting and informative.

Andrea Loewy, CMT, NCTMB

The course helped me focus on the most important information for practicing Ayurvedic massage.

Tina Vecera

Great course! Thank you!

Cynthia Huffman, LMT

I enjoyed this course. I was able to go at my own pace and found that I went quite quickly through the material. I will be using this information to enhance my clients' massage programs.

Ruthay Coney, RMT

Awesome and easy to take! I enjoyed this course very much and would love to take more that you guys offer next renewal!

Ryan Jones, LMT

Very good and informative class.

Donelle Mann, LMT

The two courses I took were amazing.

Laurie Bauer, LMT

I loved this class!! Gave me new insites to massage!! I will deffinitily have a varity of oils on hand!!

Victoria Jackson, CMT, LMT, NCTMB

I really enjoyed this course. Excellent content. Opens new doors. I will use it in my practice. Thank You!

Guylaine Dube Long, LMT, NCTMB

I both enjoyed this course and learned a great deal from it.

Cynthia Marie Hayes, LMT, NCTMB

I have always been attracted to Ayurvedic practices and principles and appreciate this course. It was perfect in it's detail and not too overwhelming that I was able to understand the text. Thank you. I enjoyed it very much! I look forward to my continued studies with you in the future.

Deborah Caudle, CMT

Loved it! I can't wait to share!

Sara Krugerud

Excellent course, this will be most useful in my practice.

Brooke Brasier, LMT

It was a great course and I would recommend to a friend.

Anthony Harrison, LMT

Very informative.

Darline Fox, LMT, NCTMB

Wonderful class... very insightful!

Joleen Johnson, LMT, NCTMB

Thank you, very informative!

Rebecca Agra, LMT

Love being able to take courses and tests online.

Denise Kotulak, NCTMB

This has been my favorite at home course so far, I've learned so much about Ayurveda, I can't wait to add Ayurvedic Massage to my practice. Thanks so much.

Adriana Jackson, LMT

Very interesting, enjoyable, useful.

Sharon Miller, LMT

Information provided was great! I can't wait to start using some of these techniques in my own massage. I especially liked the different massage oil recipes and their uses!

Megan Simons, LMT, NCTMB

I am glad to have the text to refer back to for information. This course was very informative. The recipes for the oils used will be extremely helpful in my practice.

Theresa Kay Valentin, LMT, NCTMB

The book was very informative and easy to understand. The techniques were easy to follow. Thanks!

Andrea Brueske, LMT

I believe that this course was very helpful and helped reground my thoughts about massage. I feel that this is helpful, and refreshing for all therapist.

Mary E. Decker, LMT, NCTMB

I love it. It was very interesting to see how different ayurvedic and western massage are.

Sasha Cartwright, LMT

I found the course to be very informative and the materials were very easy to understand.

Kimberly S. Lauren, LMT

The Ayurvedic massage course is not typically available on site, so this home study course was perfect. I enjoyed learning about the massage techniques, oils, and the principles of Ayurvedic massage.

Bette Isereau, LMT

I am delighted with this course and the education I was able to receive because of it. I look forward to the next time I can use the Institute for my continuing education needs!

Helen Neumann, LMT

I was really surprised by the descriptions of the hand-on portion of the course. Easy to read and understand. I have a much broader understanding of Ayurveda and the marma points. Thank you.

Amy Dittsworth, LMT

Good course, material was easy to follow.

Rena Hach, LMT

Appreciated being able to complete CEs using a book I already owned. It helped me to finish reading the material and I did discover new ideas for massage oils and essential oils.

Deborah Layton, LMT, NCTMB

I have always enjoyed adding the course books to my library. I enjoyed the flexibility of the learning materials.

Pamela S. Dick, LMT

Great topic!!! I love the eastern traditional ideas regarding massage and medicine. Love acupressure and traditional tai massage info too. Thanks!

Carrie Bobis, LMT

Although I may not be able to jump into doing Ayurvedic Massage practices, the information and reminders about how there are so many different massage techniques around the world was important and interesting. This is a good course to get people interested in taking more of the appropriate amount of lessons in the subject matter.

Jody Cross, LMT

Clear materials, ease of learning facilitated by your presentation and good reference materials for the future were provided. Thanks

Gail M. Hutchinson, LMT, BCTMB

course was great, will continue to use your courses to fulfill my ceu requirements.

Donna Sharp, LMT

this course was to the point and peaked my interest in Ayurvedic massage fundamentals.

David Dierkes, LMT, BCTMB

If you are at all interested in Ayurvedic Massage this is an excellent start and resource.....very well presented...Thank you

Barbara Shannon, LMT, BCTMB

The materials and test for this course were excellent! Everything was clear and easy to understand. The layout invited me to learn more. I enjoyed this course completely!

Laura Deisz, CMT, BCTMB

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was easy on the eyes to read. It was very interesting and I was surprised how much knowledge I gained about Ayruvedic Massage. I had no idea prior to taking this course what Ayurvedic Massage was. It had my attention so much that one night I read the book until after midnight. I am very anxious to start using this massage in my practice and on me.

Linda Lee Fusco, LMT

Excellent course, I love this formula!

Nadine Tiwari

Another great course - quality content and materials. Thank you!

Catherine Burton, LMT, BCTMB

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Learning Objectives

  • Define Ayurveda, dosha, vikriti and marmas.
  • Distinguish between the characteristics of vata, pitta and kapha.
  • Identify the indications for and benefits of Ayurvedic massage.
  • Identify factors that increase balance or imbalance to each dosha.
  • Recognize the main points used to perform pulse diagnosis.
  • Recognize the primary techniques and sequences used in a full-body Ayurvedic massage.
  • Identify the techniques used by the author in pregnancy, labor, post-partum and infant massages.
  • Recognize key elements in how the author prepared a traditional Indian beauty treatment.
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Sample Text

Oil and Dosha Chart 

Aggravated (or Dominant) Dosha               Primary Oil

   Vata                                                           Sesame

   Pitta                                                           Coconut

   Kapha                                                        Mustard or olive oil

(Ayurvedic Massage: Traditional Indian Techniques for Balancing Body and Mind by Harish Johari, 1996, p. 25)

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Sample Test Question

When the kapha/mucus dosha is dominant, ___ oil should be used for massage.

  1. sesame
  2. coconut
  3. olive
  4. almond  
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