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The Benefits of Infant Massage

This is a parent tradition that spans across generations within many ancient cultures. It has been re-discovered and adapted to the western world.

In my research on this topic, I found more information than I realized was available. As Massage Therapist’s we know the wonderful power of touch. This is even more important when shared between a child and a parent. Mother’s and Father’s alike should be willing to give the gift of touch to their child.

From the time they are born children crave their parents touch. We know from studies on the subject and articles written about it that we can witness the effects of good touch in a child’s life and demeanor.

When my daughter was an infant she had to spend a few days in the NICU for a minor problem. While we spent time with her their we learned about the babies around her. We witnessed as a baby born 3 months pre-mature began to flourish when she was given warm touch from a volunteer. She could not be held for long periods because it burned off too many of her calories.

Why is that? Because when she was touched her heart rate and metabolism increased. Increasing her ability to flourish. Good touch is not limited to physical growth alone. It has great benefits in mental and spiritual growth as well.

I have found a site that is dedicated to this modality and all of its wonderful aspects.

The benefits for the child are :

Relaxation and stress relief

Relieves abdominal discomfort

Improves muscle tone and circulation

Better deeper sleep

Stimulates brain development

Improves sensory awareness

Baby cries less

Promotes bonding between Parent and child

The benefits for the Parent are:

More confidence in child care

Respond to baby’s cues more easily

Learn new techniques for comforting

New tool for increasing parent/child bond

So where does Infant Massage come from?  It dates back to ancient times. Most prominently in Asian and Pacific Island cultures where it has been used for centuries. In these cultures along with many others, the practice of touch was something shared in the family and handed down generation after generation.

Infant massage was introduced formally to the west in 1978 when Vimala  McClure developed an infant massage training program while she was serving in an orphanage in Northern India.

She is a true pioneer in helping bring this modality to the west.  As Therapist’s we can be more proactive about our approach to infant massage by sharing the benefits it offers and increasing our education in this modality.  We can also encourage our pregnant clients in this modality and even help them become more comfortable with this area of care and nurturing.

This is an incredible modality that could prove to be very rewarding to each and every Therapist who chooses to practice the fine art of Infant Massage.

Punkie Spelts is a Massage Therapist living in Southern California. She is also a Web Publisher and writes extensively for multiple web sites like HealthPositive!, and many other research sites.

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